Walking power to Rishi Pravarak, save the life of Bhardwaj and restored lost energy of Rishi Chyawan and r
Origin of aurveda is linked to gods, deites and heaven. According to hindu belef, Lord Brahma is considered as the creator of this universe. Creation of all forms of matter occurring in this universe, living or non-living is velieved to be this foundation. the Ayurveda is said to be orignaated by Brahma.
It is believed that Brahma propagated knowledge through dhaksha Prajapati who tought this science to the Ashwini Kumars (twins son of the sun God). The Ashwinis imparted the science of Aurbeda to Indra. According mythology, a lot of work is recognized to the well-knowledge medical skills of Ashwini kumars-gave eyesight and walking power to rishi Pravarak, save the life of Bharadwas and restored lost energy of rishi Chyawan and rejuvented his health and gave power and rejuvenation to rishi vandan.
Historical perspective
The word Veda refers to knowedledge. Aurved word is derived from Veda. By difinition, "It is knowledge of life" or the knowledge which is concerning to prolong the human life. A number of guiding principles for preservation of healthare meditationed in vedas.