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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Majja : One of the seven dhatus- bone marrow.It is oily and soft tissue. Its main functions are to oleate the body; fill up the bone cavities and to nourship the sukra dhatu.

Malas : Waste products. Primarily include urine, feaces and sweat.

Karma : Actoion; work; a complex concept, The world originally denoted a religious act or rite and gradually assumed other sades of meaning, as in action, work.

Kama : Desire. It is a sexual desire, one of the five signs the yogi must cut off; others being wrath, greed, fear and shleep.

Jeeva : Individual soul; Living being; the imerical self.

Guna : The three attributes of unfanifest prakriti, Which are in balance before the creation of evolutes, and whose imbalance continues the process of creation. Three gunas are satwa, raj and tama.

Ghee : Clarrified butter.

Dravya: The substance Of properties- one of the special properties water, fire, air, ether, time, space, soul and mind.

Dipanya : One that kindless the gastric fire; increases appetites. eg. pipali, ginger, black pepper and hing.

Dhatu : The basic nutritional and structural factors of the body; literally, to support or to nourish; there seven datus (tissues) in the body. The seven bodily tissues are rasa, racta, mamsa, meda, asthi, majja and sucra.

Dharma : Virtue, attribute, codition, righteousness; duty; prescribed course of conduct; nature or disposition; one's true chracter; about being a whole human being.

Dharana : Absorbing information into memory and reproducting same.

Churna : Powder.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Something better glossary :
Avyakta : Unmanifest pracriti indstinct, not apparent and inarticulate.
Avalambak : One of the five kapha subtypes; located in the heart and sacrum; its important function is to nourish the heart and the sacrum, lubricating an protecting the heart and supporting and norshing the sacrum.
Astringent(Kashaya) : constricting or binding- i.e. checks hemorrhaes, secretion. E.g.Amalaki, haritaki, Shatavari.
Bala : Strenght Is "bala" in sanskrit.
Bodhaka : One of the five Kapha subtypes; it is located in the root of te tangue and pharynx; it enables the perception of taste.
Brajaka : One of the five sub-types of pitta, located in the skin of the entire body, and its function is to give color to the skin and to produce luster.
Asthi : One of the seven dhatus; the bone tissue; supports the body, giving protection, shape nourshiment and longevity.
Artava : One of the seven datus; the female reproductive tissue.
Aphrodisiac : Heightens senses and stimulates sexual drive. e.g.Ashwagandha.
Apana : One of the five varities of vata, it regulates exhalation and excretion. Its movement is dowanward.
Alochaka : One of the five types of the pitta situated in the eyes. It catches the images of external objects.
Akash : Free space.
Agni : The digestive fire whose function is tranformation, absorption, elemination and discrimination. Agni is the essential form of fire and heat, the basis of good digestion.
Adaptogens : Herbs that improve the body's ability to adapt to stress of any short, including infection, mental stress or fatigue, e.g.Brahmi.
Abhyanga : Aurvedic oil massage whereby practioners work warm oil into the tissues of the intire body.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

similarly, some important herbal plants :

1) Curcuma longa
2) Terminalia chebula
3) Ferula narthex
4) Ephedra geradiana
5) Anethum sowa
6) Amorphophallus campanulatus
7) Urtica dioca
8) Mallotus philippinesis
9) Salmalia malabarica
10) Embelia ribes
11) Rawalphia serpentine
12) Tagetes erecta
13) Hedichium spicatum
14) Albizzia lebbeck
15) Pterocarpus marsupium
16) psoralia corylifolia
17) Bambusa arundinachea
18) Crataeva nurvula
19) Aconitum ferox
20) Syzigium aromaticum
21) Symplocus recemosus
22) Aramanthus spinosus
23) Allium sativum
24) Mimosa pudica
25) Inula cappa
26) Cassia fistula
27) Cyperus rotundus
28) Randia spinosa
29) Trigonellafoenim graecum
30) Raphanus sativus
31) Curculigo orchioides
32) Piper nigrum
33) Rubia cardifolia
34) Phyllanthus niruri
35) Eclipta alba
36) Semecarpus anacardium
37) Acorus calamus
38) Aegle marmelos
39) Chenupodium album
40) Solanum indicum
41) Cissapleos pareia
42) Sida cordifolia
43) Termenalia belerica
44) Acacia arabica
45) Melia azadiracta
46) Mentha spicata
46) Uraria picta
47) Callicarpa marophylla
48) Piper longum
49) Bergenia cilita
50) Spinacea oleracea
51) Nyctanthess arbor-tristis
52) Butea monosperma
53) Fumaria vaillantii
54) Azadiracta indica
55) Operculina turpenthum
56) Vitex negundo
57) Gaultheria fragantissima
58) Woodfordia fructicosa
59) Coriandrum sativum
60) Datura metal
61) Leucas cephalus
62) Cynodon dactylon
63) Hemidesmos indicus
64) Ocimum sanctum
65) Arthemisia vulgaris
some important effective herbs on which clinical study conducted in different reseach institutes :

_ Gymnema sylvestre is effective controlling hyperglycemya.

_ A combination of extracts of N. Jatamasi and marselia minuta for Epilepsy(apasmar) which is being one of the most important in health sector.

_ For Myopic children, Saptamrit lauha with milk was given orally. Regular eyewash once a day with Trifala jala was preseibed to the patients. The patients were also subjected to installation of jinger juce mixed honey once a day and netrabindu application twice a day.

_Clinical studies of two combinations of Naradya Lakshmi Vilasa Rasa with godanti Bhashma and Swasha Keshari (Kantakari with godanti bhasma0 have been effective for Asthamatic patients. Drugs for the treatment of tamaka Shwasa is quite effective.

_Guggul has been recomended for the treatment of lipid disorders and its complication in aurveda. A siries of experimental and clinical investigations conform its anti-obesity and anty-atherosclerotic property is conducted.

_Mucuna prurieta seed powder for Parkinson's deases.

_The three drugs Ayush-64 (Saptaparna, Kiratatikta, Kutaki and Latakaranja), Saptaparna ghanawati and Nityananda rasa is effective for patients of micro-filaria.

_The compound Nimbidin is isolated form Neem Seed oil by process of extraction. The drug has been administered in indoscopically diagnosed patients of duodenal ulcer. The drug has been administered in the form of 100 mg. capsules thrice times a day.

_The effect of Aurvedic drugs Sweta Parpati with Pakhanveda and Goshura In the management of Mutrasmari (Urollithiasis).

_Nimba (neem) azadiracta indica a juss is an important medicinal plant used in verious forms in aurveda. The neem seed oil is used for aplication on effected wounds and is recognized to have anti-microbial properties. The spermicidal effect on neem oil has been studied in resus monkey and water solube fraction containinning sodium nimbindate is spermicidal in human sperms in-vitro. Accordingly, the contraceptive efficancy of neem oil has been taken up in fertile female.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

5.Khayar :

Sanskrita name : Khadira
English name : Cutch tree
Latin name : Acacia catechu Wild

Introduction :
It is medium sized tree with dark yellow inflorescence commonly growing throughout sub-himalayan belt and northeastern state of the country. Aurveda uses wood and bark of the tree for various formulation.
Cutch tree finds its mazor application in the treatment of skin and respiratory problems more in particular, of allergic origin. Also, it is used as an important constituent for maintenance of oral higiene and also as local treatment for bleeding injuries as styptic agent by vertue of its astring properties.

Chemical coposition :
Wood has large quantity of the tenins, Catechu-tannic acid, catechin, gum and quercetin. Catechu-tannic acid occurs as adark redish-brown powder, which oxidizes in the air.
Kapha and Pitta is effect of its for dosha.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

4. Visha :
sanskrita name : Ativisha
English name : Ateech
Latin name : Aconitum heterophyiium

Introduction :

Its known that greenish-blue flower found wild in alpine and sub-alpine Himalayas. Root of the herb in used in aurvaidic medicine.

Uses :

Its used in the treatment of fevers including malerial conditions and respiratory disturbances. As compared to aconite, Which is extremly toxic plant. It is lesser toxic.Often it also undergoes the procedure of detoxification before being used in the manufacturing of aurvaidic medicines.

Chemical composition :

Roots contain intensely bitter alkaloid atisine, acotinic acid, tannic acid and pectinous substanses. It has abudant starch, fat and a micture of oleic, palmitic, stearic glicerides.

Its have pacifies kapha and pitta in effect on dosha.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

sirially -

3. Ghritkumari :

sanskrit name : Ghritkumari
English name : Aloes
Latin name : Aloe vera tourn ex. linn

This is one kind of shrub about 2-4 feet in height with fleshy succulent leaves having horny prickles on there margins.

Uses :

Its use is recommended in aurveda as skin conditioner and in the treatment of non-healing ulcers, burn injuries and in the treating the liver diseases like jundice .Experimental studies on aloe suggest its positive cosmetic vallue and wound healing properties.

Aloe vera is varities of benefits for skin by the used. It is used frequently in the skin care preprarations across the globe.

Chemical composition :

It contains three pentosides mainly barbaloin, isobarbaloin and betabarbaloin. Balances kapha and pitta of dosha in effection.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Basic usefull aurvaidic(herbal) plants:

Here are all the plants are sown, which is usefull to in aurvaidic knowledge. So that specially which is now giving one by one.

1. Holey basil(Tulasi):

this plant is usefull for many kind of deases and relation of religions also. 2 feet-3feet high, sweet smell, and white and black kind of its. Other forestry basil also avaiable. But black and white is too much use in the work. when it is planting around the house, better to atmosfere. ranaway small insects and harmfull insects. It is avaible in aften all kinds of atmosfere.

Nowadays manykind of herval medicine is producted by the factory. Tulasi herval tea, use in metal powder, use in herbal soap of holey basil.

2. Ambelica myrobalan(Amala) :

This plants is famous for in aurvaidic uses. it is medium size of tree, according to botanical introduction. 7,8metre-25mtetre to tall. It is avaible lowland to high land of hillside. Its sanskrit name is Amlaki.
English name : Indian gooseberry
Latin name : Emblica officinalis linn

It has been given a prominent place in aurveda. In ancient Nepal and India it was believed that Ambrosia (hevenly nectar) contained all rasas thereby, It could impart immortalita. In that sense Amalaki and Haritaki stand next by exhibiting five rasas. Therefore gooseberry is considered a "Rasayana" bestowed with anti-aging effects. Enthosiastic investigasions on amala subastantiate almost all of its acclaimed immunomodulatory, anti stress etc.

Chemical composition :

The fruit juce is reported to contain nearly 20 times as much vitamie C as orange juce. Evere 100 gm edible fruit provides 470-680 mg of vit.C. Fruit contains moisture, protein, fat, minarals, fibres and carbohidrate. Its mineral and vitamin contains iclude calcium, phosphorous, iron, carotene, carbohydrate, thiamine, reboflavine besides vitamine C. and here its too new study on amala strng antioxidant properties to small moleculer weight tannoid complexes.