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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

some important effective herbs on which clinical study conducted in different reseach institutes :

_ Gymnema sylvestre is effective controlling hyperglycemya.

_ A combination of extracts of N. Jatamasi and marselia minuta for Epilepsy(apasmar) which is being one of the most important in health sector.

_ For Myopic children, Saptamrit lauha with milk was given orally. Regular eyewash once a day with Trifala jala was preseibed to the patients. The patients were also subjected to installation of jinger juce mixed honey once a day and netrabindu application twice a day.

_Clinical studies of two combinations of Naradya Lakshmi Vilasa Rasa with godanti Bhashma and Swasha Keshari (Kantakari with godanti bhasma0 have been effective for Asthamatic patients. Drugs for the treatment of tamaka Shwasa is quite effective.

_Guggul has been recomended for the treatment of lipid disorders and its complication in aurveda. A siries of experimental and clinical investigations conform its anti-obesity and anty-atherosclerotic property is conducted.

_Mucuna prurieta seed powder for Parkinson's deases.

_The three drugs Ayush-64 (Saptaparna, Kiratatikta, Kutaki and Latakaranja), Saptaparna ghanawati and Nityananda rasa is effective for patients of micro-filaria.

_The compound Nimbidin is isolated form Neem Seed oil by process of extraction. The drug has been administered in indoscopically diagnosed patients of duodenal ulcer. The drug has been administered in the form of 100 mg. capsules thrice times a day.

_The effect of Aurvedic drugs Sweta Parpati with Pakhanveda and Goshura In the management of Mutrasmari (Urollithiasis).

_Nimba (neem) azadiracta indica a juss is an important medicinal plant used in verious forms in aurveda. The neem seed oil is used for aplication on effected wounds and is recognized to have anti-microbial properties. The spermicidal effect on neem oil has been studied in resus monkey and water solube fraction containinning sodium nimbindate is spermicidal in human sperms in-vitro. Accordingly, the contraceptive efficancy of neem oil has been taken up in fertile female.

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