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Monday, September 14, 2009

Basic usefull aurvaidic(herbal) plants:

Here are all the plants are sown, which is usefull to in aurvaidic knowledge. So that specially which is now giving one by one.

1. Holey basil(Tulasi):

this plant is usefull for many kind of deases and relation of religions also. 2 feet-3feet high, sweet smell, and white and black kind of its. Other forestry basil also avaiable. But black and white is too much use in the work. when it is planting around the house, better to atmosfere. ranaway small insects and harmfull insects. It is avaible in aften all kinds of atmosfere.

Nowadays manykind of herval medicine is producted by the factory. Tulasi herval tea, use in metal powder, use in herbal soap of holey basil.

2. Ambelica myrobalan(Amala) :

This plants is famous for in aurvaidic uses. it is medium size of tree, according to botanical introduction. 7,8metre-25mtetre to tall. It is avaible lowland to high land of hillside. Its sanskrit name is Amlaki.
English name : Indian gooseberry
Latin name : Emblica officinalis linn

It has been given a prominent place in aurveda. In ancient Nepal and India it was believed that Ambrosia (hevenly nectar) contained all rasas thereby, It could impart immortalita. In that sense Amalaki and Haritaki stand next by exhibiting five rasas. Therefore gooseberry is considered a "Rasayana" bestowed with anti-aging effects. Enthosiastic investigasions on amala subastantiate almost all of its acclaimed immunomodulatory, anti stress etc.

Chemical composition :

The fruit juce is reported to contain nearly 20 times as much vitamie C as orange juce. Evere 100 gm edible fruit provides 470-680 mg of vit.C. Fruit contains moisture, protein, fat, minarals, fibres and carbohidrate. Its mineral and vitamin contains iclude calcium, phosphorous, iron, carotene, carbohydrate, thiamine, reboflavine besides vitamine C. and here its too new study on amala strng antioxidant properties to small moleculer weight tannoid complexes.

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