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Monday, October 26, 2009

Roga Vigyan (Pathology)

1. Nidan means aetiological factors.

2. The deases kasta sadhya roga is difficult to manage and treat.

3. According to aurveda, it is supposeed to be healthy those who have balance condition.

4. According to aurveda, the main cause of deases is due to diseqillibrium of dosa.

5. According to aurveda, aetiology of dease is due to role of sense, volitional and effect of time.

6. Trere are six types of stage of pathogenesis of deases.

7. According to aurveda, the methods of clinical examination is pratiksha, anumana znd apta.
8. External environment is related to cause asatmindriyarthayog,

pragyaparada and parinam of dease.

9. Increase of deases (bala) imminuty in the basis of time is called kalaj.

10. Tetrad of aurveda (chatuspada) means physician, drugs nurse and patiend.

11. According to charaka amount (pramana) of oja in the body is eight bindu (drop).

12. Pittaj nadi (pulse) felt as the movement of frog.

13. Pathojenesis or deases procesess means samprati.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Basic principle of aurveda

1. Manas dosha is related with mana.
2. Sweda mala of meda dhatu.
3.The number of tanmatra is five.
4. Tridosas means vat, pitta and kaph.
5. Kaph is classified into five type.
6. The true statement oja is a sara of alldhatus.
7. Meda dhatu is related with fatty tissues.
8. Jala and Prithivi-Mahabhoota contains vata, pitta and kaph.
9. Body pain is related with vata.
10. The main site of Apana Vayu is pakwasahya (large intestine)
11. The properties of vayu is khar.
12. The site of the pachaka pitta is amasaya (stomaka).
13. The function of Avalambaka kaph is to protect the lungs and heart.
14. Site of the Para oja is all the body.
15. Puran karma is done by majja dhatu.
16. Pitta is increased during day time.
17. The main sign of VitiatedVata is black skin.
18. Increase of the Vata in the body cause insomnia.
19. The main site of the vata is pakwasya.
20. Darsana is one of the natural function ofm pitta.
21. Sparsa is the property of Vayu mahabhoot.
22. Trypsin and Chemotrypsin are an example of pachaka pitta.
23. Jatharagni, five bhutagni and dhatwagni.
24. According to aurveda, there are thirteen types of agni.
25. There are 107 no of Marmas in the body.
26. Tri-marma means hridaya (heart), vasti (bladder) and shir (head).
27.Chetana is situated in Atma.
28. Tri-danda means mana, sarir and atma.
29. Body dosa means tridosa.
30. Trisutra or "triskanda" indicates hetu, linga and aiusada.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Background of Aurveda

1. Aurveda is originated or reminded by Brahma.
2. Father of surgery is Sushrut.
3. Astanga hrithaya was written by bagbhatta.
4. Aurveda is Upa-veda of Atharvaveda.
5. Sushruta was puSamhita pil of Dhanwantari.
6. Kasyaapa is related to Kaumarvritya.
7. Aurveda is related to medition, science and phyloshophy.
8. The famous book "Charak Samhita" was first written by Agnivesh.
9. God of hindu medition is Dhanwantari.
10.There are 8 branches of aurveda.
11.Kaya-chiktsha deals with internal medicine.
12.Rasa Sastra is related with minaral.
13.Initial name of Charaka Samhita is Agnivesh tantra.
14.The written manuskript of Kashyapa Samhita is of Pt.Hem Raj Shrma.
15. First aurveda Education was conducted in Nepal since 1985 VS.
16. Kashyapa Samhita is one of the ancient aurveda Samhita is avaiable in Nepal.
17.The combination of body, mind And soul is called life.
18.Toxin and its related treatment comes under the branch of rasayana.
19.Laghu trayi contains Bhava Prakash, Madhava nidan and Sarangadhar Samhita.
20.Brihata traya contain Sushruta, Charak and astang hrithaya.
21.The oldest pharmaciutical industry in Nepal is Shingha Darbar Vaidhyakhana.
22.The oldest medical system in the world is Aurveda.
23.The duration of the course of "Bams" is 5.30 years.
24.There are 8 sthanas(kind of deases) in Charak samhita.
25.According to Aurveda, ancient physical fee means Dhanwantari Bhag.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Yoga and Aurveda

Yoga originated thousand of years ago as a technique to help people achieve spiritual elightement. Yoga literally means union the union of prana (inward moving air) with apana (downward moving air ) in which all the energy currents in the body flow of the spine (sushumna); or the union of individual self with the universal self, to achieve the psycho-spiritualgoal of life i.e. liberation. Classical yoga is divided into eight "limbs" that provide a basis for spiritual, physical and mental health by outlining a means to bring the mind body into harmony, then into deeper stages of meditation. The most widely known yogic practice is asana, or hatha yoga, which include veriety of physical postures that may be devided into to catagories: meditative and therapeutic.
Meditative postures deal with bringing the mind to a state of relaxation through spinal alignment and proper blood flow, while therapeutic postures focus on improving physical health and well-being. In addition to asana, pranayama focususes on regulating breathing to calm the mind and prepare for meditation, a state of concentration that may result in a hightened sense of awareness and relaxation.Yoga is believed to benefit health, vitality and peace of mind as well as treat numerous physical ailments.
Yoga strengthens and tones muscle, improves balance and flexibility and increases blood flow and vitality. It is also a great way to reduce stress. Researchers at Harvard Medical school have found that yoga lowers certain chemicals in the blood stream associate with anxiety and triggers others physiocologicalrelaxation responces, such as reducing muscle tension and lowering heart rate. Practicing two to three times a week for 45 minutes to an hour is good goal to work towards. Another alternative is to practice yoga for 15 minutes every day.