2. Sweda mala of meda dhatu.
3.The number of tanmatra is five.
4. Tridosas means vat, pitta and kaph.
5. Kaph is classified into five type.
6. The true statement oja is a sara of alldhatus.
7. Meda dhatu is related with fatty tissues.
8. Jala and Prithivi-Mahabhoota contains vata, pitta and kaph.
9. Body pain is related with vata.
10. The main site of Apana Vayu is pakwasahya (large intestine)
11. The properties of vayu is khar.
12. The site of the pachaka pitta is amasaya (stomaka).
13. The function of Avalambaka kaph is to protect the lungs and heart.
14. Site of the Para oja is all the body.
15. Puran karma is done by majja dhatu.
16. Pitta is increased during day time.
17. The main sign of VitiatedVata is black skin.
18. Increase of the Vata in the body cause insomnia.
19. The main site of the vata is pakwasya.
20. Darsana is one of the natural function ofm pitta.
21. Sparsa is the property of Vayu mahabhoot.
22. Trypsin and Chemotrypsin are an example of pachaka pitta.
23. Jatharagni, five bhutagni and dhatwagni.
24. According to aurveda, there are thirteen types of agni.
25. There are 107 no of Marmas in the body.
26. Tri-marma means hridaya (heart), vasti (bladder) and shir (head).
27.Chetana is situated in Atma.
28. Tri-danda means mana, sarir and atma.
29. Body dosa means tridosa.
30. Trisutra or "triskanda" indicates hetu, linga and aiusada.
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